Our first Student Saturday for the month of April is Clarisse Fitzpatrick from the Ovid-Elsie FFA chapter. Clarisse is serving as her chapters president and the Region IV treasurer.

Clarisse’s SAE’s are in Equine maintenance and care, Boer Goat reproduction and maintenance, and Pug reproduction and maintenance. In addition to her SAE’s, Clarisse is a part of her school’s Equestrian Team, a class officer and part of the NHS. She competes in 4-H with wood burning, photography, and shows cattle, goats, dogs, and horses. She also participates in two national level equestrian teams (IEA&YEDA) throughout the winter.

We asked Clarisse what her favorite part of FFA is and she responded, “My favorite thing to do in FFA is Leadership Contests. Although these do cause me the most stress and force me to work my hardest, I meet many new people, take on unique situations, and learn about myself as an individual.”

Make sure to like and share this post to give Clarisse the chance to be featured for a special spotlight!

-Ben and Sarah

Our second Student Saturday feature for April is Mary Wells, who is from the Hopkins FFA Chapter in Region 1!

Mary is currently serving as the chapter Vice President. Outside of being an officer, Mary also has an SAE on showing her horse through 4H and other shows. Mary’s favorite thing to do in FFA is bond with other members after a stressful contest or a long day of community service. The friendships created are amazing!

While not doing FFA Mary participates in track and cross country as well as 4H and her job. Mary would tell younger members to take advantage of every opportunity that FFA has to offer. FFA is a wonderful way to gain great experiences and make connections that you would otherwise not have access to.

Mary’s goals for her future are to go to college to earn her undergrad degree in business and possibly pursue a law degree after that. In the end Mary wants to have a big pasture with lots of horses. A fun fact about Mary is that her favorite food is Mac and cheese!

– Stephanie and Addy