Outstanding Achievement Award

Outstanding Achievement Award

Each year your affiliate will be asked to nominate one member to be considered for the Outstanding Achievement Award at the state level. The state winner will receive a plaque at the annual meeting and be recommended for national consideration.

This program is designed to identify and recognize FFA Alumni members for their leadership and outstanding service to agricultural education, FFA and the FFA Alumni. All members of the Michigan FFA Alumni are eligible for this recognition. Applicants should be submitted using the official application form.

The Michigan FFA Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award shall be presented annually to not more than three persons. A plaque or certificate shall be presented at the annual meeting. The Contest and Awards Committee of the Michigan FFA Alumni Council shall select the recipients from the applications received.

Because of the wide and divergent range of achievements that may arise on evaluating one individual’s record in comparison with another, the following statements of criteria shall serve as a basis for cooperative evaluation:

The individual shall have gone beyond the call of duty to make some really significant contribution to agricultural education, FFA and the FFA Alumni.

A significant situation, institution of action shall have been changed for the better because of the individuals personal participation.

Advocated for agriscience education and the FFA on both the local and state level.

The individual must be a member and actively involved in an FFA Alumni program of activities.

  • Applications due March 1